Various changes and additions


WDF/BA Updates:

- In GP004 or MD007, the 'Default Menu' button is now greyed out when there is no default menu defined.

A default menu can be defined in GP006, by using keys with prefix 'DFTMNU' followed by something you fancy, for example 'DTMNU10', 'DTMNU20', etc.. 

The alphanumeric field should contain only the name of the application, like 'gp006', and the numeric field should contain the sequence number for the order of the menu items.

- Added a 'Clear search fields' icon-button in list view, next to the 'Search' button.

- CSS changes for improved mobile display.

- For Excel exports, now we can define which names to use for column headings: the long or short ones.

- Added a password generator icon-button in MD005 next to the password field.

- Added an improved password tester to MD005, so a user can only use a good and strong password.

- Added 'Kind of customer' to MD000. You can choose from 'An own company', 'Customer', 'Supplier', 'Both (C & S)' or 'Other'. If you do not have this, or something similar, in your implementation, and you want it, contact me for a quote.

- Various under the hood changes and fixes.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Under the hood changes and updates

- Better interactive feedback when buttons are clicked, by adding a 'processing' image to, or replacing, the button's text or icon:

- Added the SwitchStateButton to the framework.

- Logout fix when a timeout occurred.

- Added a short product code for use in the webbrowsers tab-title.

- Limited data entry length on input fields to prevent hacking via various methods.

- Added the possibility of sending SMS messages into the farmework, via MessageBird (preferred) or Clickatell.

- Added <noscript> tag.

- Improved persistent mobile detection while switching screens and/or applications.

- Improved the browser tab title: diesplay 'test' when you are working in your test environment. Also, you can now determine the browser tab title yourself, via GP006, key 'BROWSERTAB' (create it when not there). The first character in the text field determines the title, so you can copy/paste the text below into the text field :


T = Application Title
S = Short code
P or different = Product name



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