Changes and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Created better webbrowser-tab-titles.

- New masks to display numbers and amounts.

- Added extra currency defaults: $s_CURRENCYxxxx.

- Removed the SDS82-only restriction on GP000/2/5/7, GP010, MD000/1/2/5/6/7.

- New: Introducing a licensing model. If you want to sell your WDF/BA product, in according with our policies, you can now use a license code for your customers. When the license expires, their WDF/BA implementation cannot be used anymore, until they renew via you. License keys are maintained in GP006 and the customer's implementation calls the license-API to check for a valid license.

- Changed the standard upcase function into a multi-byte capable upcase function. This ensures ü is upcased to Ü, ñ to Ñ, etc.. This is done only for customers running PHP v7 or higher.

- Introduced 'excluded keys' for GP006. For excluded keys, separate GP006-variants exist, especially tailored for a specific type of key. With excluded-keys, you cannot change the data of these keys via GP006.

- Corrected various Help-texts.

- Code improvements.

Various improvements and changes


WDF/BA updates:

- GP000: Improved search on record-ID; you can now use '%' to limit the search, for example 100000% lists all records starting with 100000.

- Replaced deprecated PHP code with new syntax.

- Hide hamburger menu when user has only access to just one application.

- GP009: E-mail address priorities changed to '1', '2', '3', 'CC' and 'No'. Priorities 1-3 places the email address in that order in an email. CC places the address into the CC-field, regardless the order. 'No' means not to use the email address.

- Removed the 'for SDS82-only' restriction in GP001, GP003, GP005 (changed to 'view-only'), GP007 (changed to 'view-only' when not role 'Admin'), GP008 and GP011.

- Source code clean-up and removed jQuery and JavaScript-tools that are not used anymore.



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