WDF/BA Updates & Improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added a setting in GP006, LOGOUT-ON-IP-CHANGE, 0/1, to control whether or not a user should be logged out when the IP-address (s)he uses changes.
- Made searching on Country code and Location ID faster in MD000, MD001 and MD002.
- Improved file name cleaning for uploaded files.
- Added logging of data exports.
- Clicking the 'Clear search fields' icon now also clears the drop-down menus.
- Various bug fixes and code improvemnts.

WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added an exclude-list to GP001 to exclude certain keys from being listed. For these excluded keys, a separate GP001xx should be created.
- Added the posibility to add a 'table' to TinyMCE editable textareas.
- Added an application setting p_NOESCKEY. When true, the escape key is ignored in the data entry mask.
- Added a JS-lightbox to WDF/BA to create slide shows of uploaded photos. Code can be loaded by setting the new application variable p_JS_LIGHTBOX to true.
- Added the global unique form ID to the user checking function, so one can follow the complete transaction in GP000.
- Implemented GP006MNU, a dedicated application to maintain a default menu. The keys for the default menu are now excluded from GP006.

- GP001H fixes; the application now functions properly.
- Various CSS improvements concerning forms inside the footer bar.
- 'Undefined variable' bug fixed in GP014.
- Renamed function 'collectVars()' to 'fw_collectVars()', which shows where the function comes from.
- Improved error checking after calling the Google Distance API in fw_getDistance().

Various updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Moved common used code into a separate include file.

- Moved invidually generated Javascript validations into the common template.

- Time-entry icon is only shown in Edit-mode.

- VAT-code array now uses DEFAULTCOUNTRY from GP006. If not found, it will use the user's country.

- VAT-percentages are now read from the country-table (GP007).

- Various other fixes and improvements.

Changes, additions and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Faster searching on the date in GP000, PFD000 and PFD001.

- Added the name, and a description, of the cron job to GP002.

- GP002 now also shows if the job is actually running or not, by showing a red number next to Yes/No in column 'Running'.

- Added a function 'mv_checkVATID', which checks a VAT-ID format and then at VIES.

- Added the hostname to the HEAD section of each app.

- Added a 'Log All' switch, which overrides the log level when on a development server, or for a super user on any server.

- Added Chamber of Commerce, Bank data and Payment Term to MD001, and removed it from MD000, where applicable.

- Moved variables used in both interactive and batch applications into a single file.

- Added system variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY' (GP006) to GP008, GP011, GP014, MD000 and MD001.

- Added currency data (name, abbreviation, symbol, decimal separator) to countries (GP007).

- Added currency variables, which are read from 'countries', initially with variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY'.

- Formatting masks are now formatted after reading currency data.

- Added VAT or GST data (type, high/middle/low %, valid from date) to countries (GP007).

- Added a new function 'mv_generateSerialNumber' to generate a serial number that can be en-/decoded in PHP and Xojo (and other languages if needed).

- Changed database tables and columns from latin1 to utf8. All tables and columns are now utf8.

- Various CSS and Code improvements, and bug fixes.

Changes and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Created better webbrowser-tab-titles.

- New masks to display numbers and amounts.

- Added extra currency defaults: $s_CURRENCYxxxx.

- Removed the SDS82-only restriction on GP000/2/5/7, GP010, MD000/1/2/5/6/7.

- New: Introducing a licensing model. If you want to sell your WDF/BA product, in according with our policies, you can now use a license code for your customers. When the license expires, their WDF/BA implementation cannot be used anymore, until they renew via you. License keys are maintained in GP006 and the customer's implementation calls the license-API to check for a valid license.

- Changed the standard upcase function into a multi-byte capable upcase function. This ensures ü is upcased to Ü, ñ to Ñ, etc.. This is done only for customers running PHP v7 or higher.

- Introduced 'excluded keys' for GP006. For excluded keys, separate GP006-variants exist, especially tailored for a specific type of key. With excluded-keys, you cannot change the data of these keys via GP006.

- Corrected various Help-texts.

- Code improvements.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA Updates:

- In GP004 or MD007, the 'Default Menu' button is now greyed out when there is no default menu defined.

A default menu can be defined in GP006, by using keys with prefix 'DFTMNU' followed by something you fancy, for example 'DTMNU10', 'DTMNU20', etc.. 

The alphanumeric field should contain only the name of the application, like 'gp006', and the numeric field should contain the sequence number for the order of the menu items.

- Added a 'Clear search fields' icon-button in list view, next to the 'Search' button.

- CSS changes for improved mobile display.

- For Excel exports, now we can define which names to use for column headings: the long or short ones.

- Added a password generator icon-button in MD005 next to the password field.

- Added an improved password tester to MD005, so a user can only use a good and strong password.

- Added 'Kind of customer' to MD000. You can choose from 'An own company', 'Customer', 'Supplier', 'Both (C & S)' or 'Other'. If you do not have this, or something similar, in your implementation, and you want it, contact me for a quote.

- Various under the hood changes and fixes.

Improvements, fixes and updates


WDF/BA Updates:

- Added parameter 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY' to GP006. It should be filled with a 2-character ISO country code, like 'NL', 'DE', 'BE', etc.. It is currently implemented in GP008, GP011, GP014, MD000 and MD001. If it does not seem to work with your implementation, your applications haven't been updated. Contact me to get a quote, if you want this.

- Exporting multi-line text to Excel, now results in each line in its own row. If you want the old functionality back, let me know.

- Now that all sites use HTTPS, I have implemented secure cookies . This ensures that you can only login via HTTPS.

- Auto-complete on tags in GP009, to make it easier to quickly add existing tags, without having to guess how they're named.

- Under the hood updates and fixes.

SMS, tags, password, multi-delete


WDF/BA updates:

- Introducing sending of SMS messages into the framework. It supports MessageBird and Clickatell. If you use our software, and have another SMS-provider you want to put to use, contact me.

- MD002/5: Improved mobile phone number check.

- MD005: Added a password checker: checks for enough differentiation, repeating characters, etc., and some CSS for the 'bad password' notification.

- GP009: Complete overhaul. Now uses tags, can set email address priority.

- Introduced 'multi-delete' in list-view. This is not something I will automatically added to all existing apps, you have to contact me about an app that doesn't have it, and you want it there. Multi-delete, if present, can be switched on or off via the DELCHKBOX variable. See my older post about setting variables via GP006. If off, the normal delete-icon will be shown, otherwise a checkbox, or switch-toggle.

- Various other under the hood fixes and updates.

Various fixes


WDF/BA updates:

- MD005: Add default menu, when configured, for a new user.

The default menu for new users can be set via GP006, key 'DFTMNU-xxx', where 'xxx' can be anything you like, for example the name of the application or a sequence number.

- Changed some framework internals to be compatible with WDF/CG (Code Generator) changes.

Various changes


WDF/BA updates:

- Improved CSS for drop-down menus where the Chosen-plugin is used.

- Added CSS to animate the download button.

- Improved the setting of the correct MIME-type when exporting data.

- Improved CSS for toggle-switches.

- Clicking a row opens the details screen. This has been changed: you can now only click on columns without links to open the details screen.

- The menu can now also be displayed as a menu bar with drop down menus.

How the menu will be displayed, can be set in GP006, key 'USERMENU' : 

  • F = In footer bar
  • H = In header bar
  • M = As menu bar (not on mobile)
You can write 'Footer', 'Header' or 'Menu bar' in the text field, it is the first character of the word/sentence that is significant.

If this does not work in your system, it has not been implemented. Contact us for a quote if you want this.



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