Various updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Moved common used code into a separate include file.

- Moved invidually generated Javascript validations into the common template.

- Time-entry icon is only shown in Edit-mode.

- VAT-code array now uses DEFAULTCOUNTRY from GP006. If not found, it will use the user's country.

- VAT-percentages are now read from the country-table (GP007).

- Various other fixes and improvements.

Improvements, fixes and updates


WDF/BA Updates:

- Added parameter 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY' to GP006. It should be filled with a 2-character ISO country code, like 'NL', 'DE', 'BE', etc.. It is currently implemented in GP008, GP011, GP014, MD000 and MD001. If it does not seem to work with your implementation, your applications haven't been updated. Contact me to get a quote, if you want this.

- Exporting multi-line text to Excel, now results in each line in its own row. If you want the old functionality back, let me know.

- Now that all sites use HTTPS, I have implemented secure cookies . This ensures that you can only login via HTTPS.

- Auto-complete on tags in GP009, to make it easier to quickly add existing tags, without having to guess how they're named.

- Under the hood updates and fixes.



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