WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added an exclude-list to GP001 to exclude certain keys from being listed. For these excluded keys, a separate GP001xx should be created.
- Added the posibility to add a 'table' to TinyMCE editable textareas.
- Added an application setting p_NOESCKEY. When true, the escape key is ignored in the data entry mask.
- Added a JS-lightbox to WDF/BA to create slide shows of uploaded photos. Code can be loaded by setting the new application variable p_JS_LIGHTBOX to true.
- Added the global unique form ID to the user checking function, so one can follow the complete transaction in GP000.
- Implemented GP006MNU, a dedicated application to maintain a default menu. The keys for the default menu are now excluded from GP006.

- GP001H fixes; the application now functions properly.
- Various CSS improvements concerning forms inside the footer bar.
- 'Undefined variable' bug fixed in GP014.
- Renamed function 'collectVars()' to 'fw_collectVars()', which shows where the function comes from.
- Improved error checking after calling the Google Distance API in fw_getDistance().

Updates, improvements, fixes, etc.


 WDF/BA Updates:

- UI improvements for subfiles: title bar, field rows...

- UI improvements for list view: aligning buttons, background colors, ...

- Added VAT/ST-tiers to GP007, with 'Valid from'-date.

- Updated the countries table with regions and states, for example: 'US-AK' for Alaska, USA; 'CA-AB' for Alberta, Canada; 'IT-21' for Piemonte, Italy; etc.. Applications and database tables have been updated accordingly to accomodate for the longer country codes.

- You can now add translated country names in GP001. This will then show the country's name in the selected WDF/BA language.

- Searching in GP008 was standard with wildcards around the entered text. To speed up the search, this has been removed. If you want to search in 'contains'-mode, add a '%'-sign before the value you're searching for: '%nl'

- Stopped logging data that was never look at, and so save some disk space.

- In drop down menus with a search field, the search is now 'contains'-mode, instead of 'begins with'-mode.

- Loading text labels is faster. The underlying query to look for text in the current language has been improved.

- MD003 and its tables have been removed. An 10 year old idea, but never developed any further.

- Various code improvements and small bug fixes.

Changes, updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added CSS classes '...gray' next to '...grey' to avoid UK/US typos.

- Added server check for (not) displaying the SSL logo.

- If an app is started from the URL-bar:

  • default date values are now added correctly.
  • default sort column is applied correctly

- Added default date of today for GP000.

- New: expiration date and/or period for user profiles. After a given date, or a number of days since last login, or both, the user profile expires and the user cannot login anymore. An admin-user must set a new date, reset last login or allow for a longer period.

- Encryption default permanently changed from 'BF-CFB' to 'aes-256-ctr'.

- Various code and speed improvements.

A change and a fix


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Improved CSS for subfiles

- Fixed a problem with wrong column formatting in certain situations with Excel-exports.

Various changes and fixes


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Preparations to replace the current encryption method to a more modern one.

- New: Using <, >, =, <=, >= in search fields in list view is now available. If you want this, contact me with the applications and in which column(s) you would like to have this functionality.

- Improved the Google GPS API call.


- Added user-specific 2FA-type in MD005. If you do not have 2FA enabled, but want it, contact me for a quote.

- Blocked deletion of your own profile in MD005.

- Improved CSS with dropdown menus. The highlight border would often hide itself behind input fields below it.

- Improved CSS on mobile devices with multiple select input fields.

- Various under the hood improvements and fixes in GP000, GP010, a.o.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA Updates:

- In GP004 or MD007, the 'Default Menu' button is now greyed out when there is no default menu defined.

A default menu can be defined in GP006, by using keys with prefix 'DFTMNU' followed by something you fancy, for example 'DTMNU10', 'DTMNU20', etc.. 

The alphanumeric field should contain only the name of the application, like 'gp006', and the numeric field should contain the sequence number for the order of the menu items.

- Added a 'Clear search fields' icon-button in list view, next to the 'Search' button.

- CSS changes for improved mobile display.

- For Excel exports, now we can define which names to use for column headings: the long or short ones.

- Added a password generator icon-button in MD005 next to the password field.

- Added an improved password tester to MD005, so a user can only use a good and strong password.

- Added 'Kind of customer' to MD000. You can choose from 'An own company', 'Customer', 'Supplier', 'Both (C & S)' or 'Other'. If you do not have this, or something similar, in your implementation, and you want it, contact me for a quote.

- Various under the hood changes and fixes.

Additions and changes


WDF/BA updates:

- NEW: Introducing background images. You can now add a background image to your WDF/BA:

In GP006, add a key 'BKGIMAGES', and in the text area, add links to images, each link on a new line.

The display of the background images is spread over 24 hours, in the following manner: for example, when you added 4 links, you have link 0, 1, 2 and 3 : int(current hour / (24 / number of links)) = int(15 / (24 / 4)) = int(15 / 6) = int(2,5) = 2, which means it will use link number 3.

This way, you can have special images for the morning, midday, afternoon, evening and night.

- Improved local development and test environment by installing local HTTPS and DNS .

- Changed the general log level from 9 to 7. Changed the log level of reading data for list views to 9 for interactive mode and 2 when exporting. This change will massively reduce the number log-entries.

- GP004: Renamed it to MD007, which is a better place for it.  This is implemented by default for new customers, and for existing customers who do already have an MD007 for something else.

- GP009: Improved auto-complete on the tags field.

- MD000: Added 'copy a record'-mode. This is implemented by default for new customers, and for existing customers who need it.

- MD001: Added a TagEditor to the 'Location type' field. This is implemented by default for new customers, and for existing customers who need it.

- Many CSS and under the hood fixes and updates, including removing or replacing PHP 8.1 deprecations. The final move to PHP 8.1 for the production servers, is planned to be done in April/May 2022

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Better modal confirmation dialog positioning.

- You can now set application variables via GP006. I advise against it, unless you are sure that you know what you want. Here is a list with variables you can set:

  • LOGLEVEL: 0 through 9. The lower the number, the less message are logged.
  • EXTRAWIDTH: In pixels; to widen the content area.
  • EXPORT: 0 or 1; allow Excel/CSV-export.
  • EXPORTTYPE: 'csv', 'txt' or 'xls' (without the quotes).
  • EXPORTUSELABELS: 0, 1 or 2; 0 = no column headings, 1 = Short text, 2 = Long text
  • EXPORTHEADER: 0 or 1; Exports information about the app and the date in the first 3 lines.
  • EXPORTFILENAME: Set the file name for the export. If not set, it defaults to PRODUCTNAME_APPNAME_DATETIME.ext
  • EXPORTSEPARATOR: Only valid for non-XLS exports. The column separator to use. If not set, a tab (.txt) or a semicolon (.csv) is used.
  • NODUPLICATEBTN: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'copy record' button in list-view.
  • NONEWBTN: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'Add new' button.
  • NOHELPBTN: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'Help' button.
  • DELCHKBOX: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'multi-delete' feature in list-view. Note: not all apps have this 'multi-delete'-feature implemented. If you find an app where you need it, and it hasn't this feature, contact me for a quote.
  • SQLLIMITENTRY: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'Results per page' entry field in the footer.
Create an entry in GP006 with the application's name as key, for example 'GP006', and add each variable you want to set on a new line, in the text field, like so: VARNAME=VALUE

TagEditor styling and Date calculations


WDF/BA updates:

- TagEditor styling: set a maximum width.

- Fixes inside the date calculation routine that could cause 'Passing null to...' errors.

- GP008/10/13: An error message was not translated into the chosen language.

- MD005W: Bug fix.

- Added automatic amount formatting of fields on Excel/CSV export.

ALT-N or Option-N, tags and styling


WDF/BA update:

- Added the keyboard shortcut ALT-N (Windows) / Option-N (macOS) to start a new record. Now you don't have to click the (+) button. This works when there is no input field selected.

- Added a jQuery Tag-Editor to the framework.

- Added an alternating backround to rows in listview; each even row gets a very light grey backround. This helps the eye to follow the data on a row from left to right.



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