WDF/BA Updates & Improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added a setting in GP006, LOGOUT-ON-IP-CHANGE, 0/1, to control whether or not a user should be logged out when the IP-address (s)he uses changes.
- Made searching on Country code and Location ID faster in MD000, MD001 and MD002.
- Improved file name cleaning for uploaded files.
- Added logging of data exports.
- Clicking the 'Clear search fields' icon now also clears the drop-down menus.
- Various bug fixes and code improvemnts.

Changes, additions and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Faster searching on the date in GP000, PFD000 and PFD001.

- Added the name, and a description, of the cron job to GP002.

- GP002 now also shows if the job is actually running or not, by showing a red number next to Yes/No in column 'Running'.

- Added a function 'mv_checkVATID', which checks a VAT-ID format and then at VIES.

- Added the hostname to the HEAD section of each app.

- Added a 'Log All' switch, which overrides the log level when on a development server, or for a super user on any server.

- Added Chamber of Commerce, Bank data and Payment Term to MD001, and removed it from MD000, where applicable.

- Moved variables used in both interactive and batch applications into a single file.

- Added system variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY' (GP006) to GP008, GP011, GP014, MD000 and MD001.

- Added currency data (name, abbreviation, symbol, decimal separator) to countries (GP007).

- Added currency variables, which are read from 'countries', initially with variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY'.

- Formatting masks are now formatted after reading currency data.

- Added VAT or GST data (type, high/middle/low %, valid from date) to countries (GP007).

- Added a new function 'mv_generateSerialNumber' to generate a serial number that can be en-/decoded in PHP and Xojo (and other languages if needed).

- Changed database tables and columns from latin1 to utf8. All tables and columns are now utf8.

- Various CSS and Code improvements, and bug fixes.

Additions and changes


WDF/BA updates:

- NEW: Introducing background images. You can now add a background image to your WDF/BA:

In GP006, add a key 'BKGIMAGES', and in the text area, add links to images, each link on a new line.

The display of the background images is spread over 24 hours, in the following manner: for example, when you added 4 links, you have link 0, 1, 2 and 3 : int(current hour / (24 / number of links)) = int(15 / (24 / 4)) = int(15 / 6) = int(2,5) = 2, which means it will use link number 3.

This way, you can have special images for the morning, midday, afternoon, evening and night.

- Improved local development and test environment by installing local HTTPS and DNS .

- Changed the general log level from 9 to 7. Changed the log level of reading data for list views to 9 for interactive mode and 2 when exporting. This change will massively reduce the number log-entries.

- GP004: Renamed it to MD007, which is a better place for it.  This is implemented by default for new customers, and for existing customers who do already have an MD007 for something else.

- GP009: Improved auto-complete on the tags field.

- MD000: Added 'copy a record'-mode. This is implemented by default for new customers, and for existing customers who need it.

- MD001: Added a TagEditor to the 'Location type' field. This is implemented by default for new customers, and for existing customers who need it.

- Many CSS and under the hood fixes and updates, including removing or replacing PHP 8.1 deprecations. The final move to PHP 8.1 for the production servers, is planned to be done in April/May 2022

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Distinguish logging when user logs out manually or is logged out automatically.

- Timeout off when not logged in and not in MD005W.

- Improved logging: data before and after an insert, update or delete are now saved in one JSON string; makes it easy to compare.

- Various under the hood changes.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA update:

- The unique form ID is now also added into its own field in the log at time of creation.

- Moving the mouse over the right side of the details screen now highlights the field row your mouse is over.

- Mobile UI improvements.

- Bug fix regarding accessing names of days and months, when none is given.

- Bug fix where data export could still be done after being logged out.

- Added an empty menu option, instead of a cross to empty the selection, to some popup menus in list view.

- Disabled the browser's autocomplete on username field.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Added logging of table-locks to improve the analysis of the hourly backup procedure: what can be changed to speed it up.

- Improved the layout of the login screen on mobile devices.

New log ID 'UniqueFormID'


WDF/BA update:

- Introduced a new log ID: 'Unique Form ID'. This to prevent inserts and updates with back- and forward buttons, and page reloads. Also, it shows all related logging which belongs to one 'UniqueFormID'.



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