WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- The key combination ALT/OPTION-ENTER now also works in EDIT-mode and puts the focus on the 'Submit'-button. This allows for quick and almost keyboard-only data entry.

- In listview, you can now use the arrow keys to select a record. The page will automatically scroll up or down when you reach the botoom or top. Hit ENTER to open the selected record in VIEW-mode, the hit ALT/OPTION-ENTER + ENTER to start EDIT-mode.

- Fixed a bug with the user's account expiration date.

- Improved the country-selection drop down menu contents, now that country codes have subcountry codes, like 'IT-21', 'US-AK', etc.. in GP008/11/14, MD000/1/2/5.

- Various other fixes and improvements.

Changes and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Created better webbrowser-tab-titles.

- New masks to display numbers and amounts.

- Added extra currency defaults: $s_CURRENCYxxxx.

- Removed the SDS82-only restriction on GP000/2/5/7, GP010, MD000/1/2/5/6/7.

- New: Introducing a licensing model. If you want to sell your WDF/BA product, in according with our policies, you can now use a license code for your customers. When the license expires, their WDF/BA implementation cannot be used anymore, until they renew via you. License keys are maintained in GP006 and the customer's implementation calls the license-API to check for a valid license.

- Changed the standard upcase function into a multi-byte capable upcase function. This ensures ü is upcased to Ü, ñ to Ñ, etc.. This is done only for customers running PHP v7 or higher.

- Introduced 'excluded keys' for GP006. For excluded keys, separate GP006-variants exist, especially tailored for a specific type of key. With excluded-keys, you cannot change the data of these keys via GP006.

- Corrected various Help-texts.

- Code improvements.

Changes, updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added CSS classes '...gray' next to '...grey' to avoid UK/US typos.

- Added server check for (not) displaying the SSL logo.

- If an app is started from the URL-bar:

  • default date values are now added correctly.
  • default sort column is applied correctly

- Added default date of today for GP000.

- New: expiration date and/or period for user profiles. After a given date, or a number of days since last login, or both, the user profile expires and the user cannot login anymore. An admin-user must set a new date, reset last login or allow for a longer period.

- Encryption default permanently changed from 'BF-CFB' to 'aes-256-ctr'.

- Various code and speed improvements.

Various changes and fixes


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Preparations to replace the current encryption method to a more modern one.

- New: Using <, >, =, <=, >= in search fields in list view is now available. If you want this, contact me with the applications and in which column(s) you would like to have this functionality.

- Improved the Google GPS API call.


- Added user-specific 2FA-type in MD005. If you do not have 2FA enabled, but want it, contact me for a quote.

- Blocked deletion of your own profile in MD005.

- Improved CSS with dropdown menus. The highlight border would often hide itself behind input fields below it.

- Improved CSS on mobile devices with multiple select input fields.

- Various under the hood improvements and fixes in GP000, GP010, a.o.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA Updates:

- In GP004 or MD007, the 'Default Menu' button is now greyed out when there is no default menu defined.

A default menu can be defined in GP006, by using keys with prefix 'DFTMNU' followed by something you fancy, for example 'DTMNU10', 'DTMNU20', etc.. 

The alphanumeric field should contain only the name of the application, like 'gp006', and the numeric field should contain the sequence number for the order of the menu items.

- Added a 'Clear search fields' icon-button in list view, next to the 'Search' button.

- CSS changes for improved mobile display.

- For Excel exports, now we can define which names to use for column headings: the long or short ones.

- Added a password generator icon-button in MD005 next to the password field.

- Added an improved password tester to MD005, so a user can only use a good and strong password.

- Added 'Kind of customer' to MD000. You can choose from 'An own company', 'Customer', 'Supplier', 'Both (C & S)' or 'Other'. If you do not have this, or something similar, in your implementation, and you want it, contact me for a quote.

- Various under the hood changes and fixes.

SMS, tags, password, multi-delete


WDF/BA updates:

- Introducing sending of SMS messages into the framework. It supports MessageBird and Clickatell. If you use our software, and have another SMS-provider you want to put to use, contact me.

- MD002/5: Improved mobile phone number check.

- MD005: Added a password checker: checks for enough differentiation, repeating characters, etc., and some CSS for the 'bad password' notification.

- GP009: Complete overhaul. Now uses tags, can set email address priority.

- Introduced 'multi-delete' in list-view. This is not something I will automatically added to all existing apps, you have to contact me about an app that doesn't have it, and you want it there. Multi-delete, if present, can be switched on or off via the DELCHKBOX variable. See my older post about setting variables via GP006. If off, the normal delete-icon will be shown, otherwise a checkbox, or switch-toggle.

- Various other under the hood fixes and updates.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Various under the hood changes and bug fixes.

- Added a modal 'Processing' dialog for interactive processes that might take a while.

- MD005: Added a link next to the username, to the menu editor GP004/MD007

- I did a hacking course and harnessed the framework some more to prevent hacking.

- GP014: Get GPS coordinates via Google, and store them in the distance table. If you want to use this functionality with other addresses, contact me for a quote.

Various fixes


WDF/BA updates:

- MD005: Add default menu, when configured, for a new user.

The default menu for new users can be set via GP006, key 'DFTMNU-xxx', where 'xxx' can be anything you like, for example the name of the application or a sequence number.

- Changed some framework internals to be compatible with WDF/CG (Code Generator) changes.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- CSS improvements for the header bar to automatically make left and right sections equal in size. 

- Home screen styling improvements.

- MD005: Form ID fix.



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