Updates, improvements, fixes, etc.


 WDF/BA Updates:

- UI improvements for subfiles: title bar, field rows...

- UI improvements for list view: aligning buttons, background colors, ...

- Added VAT/ST-tiers to GP007, with 'Valid from'-date.

- Updated the countries table with regions and states, for example: 'US-AK' for Alaska, USA; 'CA-AB' for Alberta, Canada; 'IT-21' for Piemonte, Italy; etc.. Applications and database tables have been updated accordingly to accomodate for the longer country codes.

- You can now add translated country names in GP001. This will then show the country's name in the selected WDF/BA language.

- Searching in GP008 was standard with wildcards around the entered text. To speed up the search, this has been removed. If you want to search in 'contains'-mode, add a '%'-sign before the value you're searching for: '%nl'

- Stopped logging data that was never look at, and so save some disk space.

- In drop down menus with a search field, the search is now 'contains'-mode, instead of 'begins with'-mode.

- Loading text labels is faster. The underlying query to look for text in the current language has been improved.

- MD003 and its tables have been removed. An 10 year old idea, but never developed any further.

- Various code improvements and small bug fixes.



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